Peaky Blinders

BBC commissions Barbara Windsor biopic

Eastenders star Barbara Windsor (Credit: BBC/Nicky Johnston)

Set in the 1990s, Babs sees Windsor preparing to perform in the theatre that evening, where she talks us on a journey of the events and people that shaped her career, from her lonely childhood and complicated relationship with her father, to capturing the attention of Joan Littlewood and being cast in the Carry On films.

This week's top TV: 2 - 8 May


Posh Neighbours at War

Channel 4


Quite aside from having a title to die for, the documentary offers an insight into some of the most vicious spates between neighbours in some of the most expensive parts of the country.

In parts of London where properties can cost tens of millions of pounds, the residents are unsurprisingly a bit on edge about noisy neighbours and their property.