RTS Futures

Can TV save the planet? asks RTS Futures panel

Television soap operas have an important role to play in communicating environmental messages. That was one of the conclusions of an RTS Futures session, “Can TV save the planet?”, which discussed how it is not only the likes of David Attenborough and Chris Packham who can alert audiences to the impact of climate change and other environmental challenges.

How to kick-start your career in motion graphics and VFX

Emma Kolasinska, an executive producer at Moonraker VFX who recently worked on Netflix wildlife series Night on Earth, started out as a receptionist at an editing facility, before moving into producing. The key to getting on, she said, is “working hard, not pretending to know everything but finding out quite quickly”.

Junior compositor Michael Vodden said: “Take opportunities and run with them – you never know where [they will lead]… a job can come out of everywhere.”

Can TV Save the Planet? | RTS Futures

An RTS Futures panel discusses the initiatives encouraging production teams to embed sustainability into the programmes you see on screen - from drama, right through to comedy, and of course, high-impact environmental shows. They also offer practical advice about how everyone can play their part in making productions more environmentally friendly, like carbon calculating, sustainable lighting, and meat-free meals.

Working in continuing drama: Coronation Street and Emmerdale

The four panellists, who are all in the early stages of their careers, discussed their jobs at two of the country’s premier soaps.

Joseph Hart switches between the roles of second and third assistant director (AD) on Emmerdale. “ADs are logistical, organisational roles, but the third AD does have a creative outlet – it’s really good fun,” he explained. “A third AD is based on the floor… and does the background action. You tell the extras when and where to go.”

RTS Futures NI: Hit TV programme to binge-worthy podcast

“Focus on your audience and give them an elevated but inviting, stimulating, playful conversation,” said Lily Ames, Chalk & Blade’s head of production and culture.

Ames, a Canadian who has been based in London for the past six years, was talking at an RTS Futures NI event in late August to Conor Finn, creator and host of the Finnterviews podcast.

She described Chalk & Blade, whose clients include BBC Sounds and the Guardian, as well as brands such as Net-a-Porter, as a “boutique podcast production company”.

RTS Futures CV Masterclass

Daniell Morrisey, Senior Editorial Early Careers Schemes Manager, Carrie Britton, Scripted Talent Executive for Drama and Comedy at BBC Studios, and Caroline Carter, Talent Executive for The Documentary Unit at BBC Studios, guide you through each section of the CV, giving their top tips on what to include – and not, and how to make your CV stand out for your next TV job.


ITV talent managers answer young TV talent's questions about how to start their careers

The qualities talent managers look for to fill entry-level jobs include enthusiasm, passion and determination, said Cheryl Woodcock, who recruits for ITV’s entertainment shows.

“Do your homework, make sure your CV has no typos in it,” added Tracy Walker, a talent executive at ITV Studios North.

“I love having a nose at what people have done, if I’ve got the time, when someone puts a showreel on their CV,” said Woodcock.

But don’t put your own picture on the CV, said the panel as one.