RTS Futures

Toiseach Tòiseachaidh | Telebhisean (Starting Point | Television)

Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seisean feumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le eòlaichean a bheireas taic is comhairle prìseil dhuibh. Bidh còmhraidhean rin cluinntinn mu cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith ag obair ann am mion-chànan mar Ghàidhlig taobh a-staigh saoghal telebhisein, agus dè na dòighean as fheàrr gus cothroman fhaighinn aig diofar chompanaidhean sna tràth làithean.

The Unstuck Club: Core values key to success

The session, which was run by the founder of The Unstuck Club, Jo Deadman, advised people to “look internally” and identify their “core values” or “fundamental beliefs”.  

Deadman said: “They can explain why we feel happy in certain areas of our lives and not in others. We’re more likely to achieve our goals and feel happy in our careers if we live by our core values.” 

People, she argued, are too often weighed down by negative thoughts, which need to be challenged.  

The serious world of podcasting

Ways to Change the World: Krishnan Guru-Murthy talking to Jameela Jamil (credit: Channel 4)

Podcasts are not all about comedy, true crime and self-help – increasingly, news and current affairs are fuelling the boom in the audio format.  

At the beginning of this month, the BBC’s Global News PodcastThe Economist Podcasts and The Rest Is Politics, which is hosted by New Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell and ex-Tory minister Rory Stewart, all featured in the top 10 most popular UK podcasts.  

Production Management: Have You Got What It Takes? | RTS Futures Careers Fair 2022

Are you a problem solver? Do you like a challenge? Do you like making things happen? Have you got what it takes to be in Production Management?

Production Management is an exciting career path in television production which can take you from live studio shows to big sporting events, from finely crafted documentaries to children's animation, from blockbuster dramas to international formats. It's a pivotal role in any production which requires creative and dynamic thinking and the tenacity to achieve a brilliant end result, safely, on budget and with a smile on your face!

NFTS - Cameras, Sound and Vision Mixing for Television Production

Andy Hope, course leader for the Cameras, Sound and Vision Mixing Diplomas at the NFTS, talks about this exciting area of the television industry and what the NFTS course could do for your career. Having worked in the music and television industries for 30 years, Andy’s career has spanned roles as a Music Recording Engineer, to Producer, TV Sound Supervisor and TV Director. This session was part of the RTS Futures Careers Fair 2022.

Entertainment Masterclass: From the Villa to the Jungle | RTS Futures Careers Fair 2022

With key creative talent from both Love Island and I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!, this session looks at how these shows successfully retain audiences year on year, focusing on three key teams – Casting Team, Challenge Team and Story Team. This session was part of the RTS Futures Virtual Careers Fair 2022.