New York

Benedict Cumberbatch, Abi Morgan and Lucy Forbes on New York puppet thriller Eric

At face value, Eric is another cop show, albeit one that features a giant walking puppet. But from the pen of RTS Fellow Abi Morgan – whose award-winning dramas include The Iron Lady, Sex Traffic and The Hour – the six-part Netflix series, which revolves around a missing child, is something entirely different, taking in addiction, childhood trauma, homelessness, Aids, homophobia and racism.

Michael Jackson: From Macclesfield to Manhattan

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's stellar career encapsulates much of the creative history of TV during the past 30 years. He was an innovative independent producer back in the 1980s, reinvented BBC Two in the 1990s, and went on to run Channel 4. There, he launched Queer as FolkAli G and Big Brother, before crossing the Atlantic to work for the legendary mogul Barry Diller.

Today, still based in New York, his career has swung full circle. Jackson is once again working as a producer.