Roughcut TV

Ash Atalla on the end of Big Boys, the beloved comedy that almost never was

A group of four friends sit on a rust coloured sofa, laughing as one of them lies on their laps

Earlier this week, Ash Atalla, who produced the series for his indie Roughcut TV, was on typically candid form as he spoke to the RTS about bringing Jack Rooke’s beloved semi-autobiographical sitcom to its highly-anticipated conclusion.

He revealed that, paradoxically, the making of Big Boys led to the best pilot he’s ever produced – but also the hardest commissioning battle he’s ever fought.

BBC greenlights new comedy We Might Regret This from disabled activist Kyla Harris

We Might Regret This, which places intense female friendships at the centre of the drama, stars Harris as artist Freya.

Freya is in her 30s, she’s tetraplegic, and she’s moved to London from Canada in pursuit of a lawyer in his 50s named Abe (Darren Boyd). As their romance hits full-tilt, Abe invites Freya to move in with him before she’s even seen the upstairs of his house.

Jack Rooke’s comedy series Big Boys returning to Channel 4 for second series

Two men stand back to back against a green background, with text reading "Big Boys is coming back!"

The first series followed the unlikely friendship between Jack, a grieving closeted fresher, and Danny, a quintessential lad silently struggling with mental health issues, as they navigated their first year at Brent University.  

The series stars Dylan Llewelyn as Jack, Jon Pointing as Danny, Camille Coduri as Jack’s mum Peggy, Izuka Hoyle and Olisa Odele as the boys’ friends Corinne and Yemi, and Katie Wix as the perennial student's union officer Jules.