James Murdoch

Content wins in battle of sale versus scale

From left: Mike Darcey, Kate Bulkley, Matthew Garrahan, Mathew Horsman and Tim Hincks (Credit: RTS/Paul Hampartsoumian)
The genesis of the event, “Sale or scale”, lay in 21st Century Fox boss James Murdoch’s comments at last year’s RTS Cambridge Convention on the benefits of size: “Scale buys confidence to invest strategically and take risks, and supports the development of new technologies and innovation.”

21st Century Fox CEO James Murdoch to deliver keynote at RTS Cambridge Convention 2017

RTS Cambridge 2017

Other speakers include Andy Harries, Chief Executive of Left Bank Pictures; The Grand Tour executive producer, Andy Wilman; Michelle Guthrie, Managing Director of Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Sharon White, Chief Executive of Ofcom – with more names to be announced.