RTS London learns how AI could shape broadcasting

Very broadly, AI is teaching computers to “learn” from data without being programmed (rather as humans do) –  so-called “machine learning”. 
Ian Whitfield, founder of Virtual AI and ex­ ITV director of technology, explained how his company’s systems enhance the automation of back-office processes that are fundamental to broadcast TV: “In channel scheduling, many of the repetitive and time­consuming tasks can be done by robots.” 

Digital reinvention for the media industry: what to do and how to make it happen

As the broadcast industry reinvents itself, the firms that lead in the future will be those that fully embrace the concept of Digital Reinvention and the profound reassessment of business practices that it requires.

Digital Reinvention rethinks customer and partner relationships putting customer needs, use, and aspirations first. It requires that media organizations offer customers compelling new personalised experiences, establish new focus, build new expertise, and devise new ways of working to thrive in this rapidly changing business environment.