Emily in Paris
Netflix renews Emily in Paris for series three and four
The light-hearted comedy drama follows twenty-something bubbly American Emily (Lily Collins) as she moves from Chicago to the bright lights of Paris to provide luxury French marketing firm Savoir from an American perspective.
As she tries to adjust to the French way of living, cultures clash as she finds herself juggling a new career, friendships and love life.
TV Picks: 20th - 23rd December
We Wish You A Mandy Christmas
Monday, 10pm
Why French shows are so in vogue
Through the comedy-drama chic of Call My Agent! (Dix Pour Cent), the down and dirty cop-show grit of Spiral (Engrenages), the adventures of gentleman thief Assane Diop in Lupin or the political thrills and spills of The Bureau, international viewers are devouring subtitled French sass with gusto.