
Toiseach Tòiseachaidh | Telebhisean (Starting Point | Television)

Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seisean feumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le eòlaichean a bheireas taic is comhairle prìseil dhuibh. Bidh còmhraidhean rin cluinntinn mu cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith ag obair ann am mion-chànan mar Ghàidhlig taobh a-staigh saoghal telebhisein, agus dè na dòighean as fheàrr gus cothroman fhaighinn aig diofar chompanaidhean sna tràth làithean.

The Big Connection: Open Doors Unscripted TV Special

Are you looking to break into the TV industry? Then come and meet the companies looking to hire you.  

ScreenSkills and the Royal Television Society Scotland invite you to the first in an exciting series of new networking events. The Big Connection is a relaxed event that offers attendees the opportunity to connect with some of the most important production companies in Scotland. Confirmed companies in attendance: ​

Membership of The Union Club

RTS Members are able to make use of the Union Club and may bring guests to the restaurant and bar for breakfast, lunch and dinner bookings.

The Union Club was set up in 1993 by ex-North Sea oil rigger Pete Cross and Chef Carolyn Dawson, and both are (for their sins) still at the helm of the Club today. Opening a private members club had been a long held dream for the duo, and they took the plunge after buying a dilapidated building at 50 Greek Street, Soho.


Get in the mince pies, mull that wine, and dust down your festive glad rags, as impressionist and standup comedian Darren Altman once again returns with another edition of the Royal Television Society's very own Big Telly Quiz. With questions all about TV past, present, and future, don't be a Scrooge. Join Darren and a host of celebrity guests as they test your knowledge of all things telly. Compete yourself or just watch along, either way, 'yule' be thoroughly entertained — and it’s free and fun for the whole family!


Brexit, a global pandemic, Black Lives Matter protests and the rise of fake news have ensured that news rooms across Scotland have never been busier, more in demand or challenged than these past two years.  

In this lively panel session, we’ll hear from those that run the newsrooms to those on the ground. All have been challenged over the past two years, all have delivered – and all are here to share their stories and answer your questions.


TV Production Management: The Unsung Heroes of TV Production

What is TV production management? This webinar will shine a Spotlight on the different roles available in TV production management and the skills required. 

These roles are in high demand and many don’t even know they exist!  If you’re interested in a career in TV production or are looking for a career change then this is the webinar for you.



Jeannot Hutcheson, Talent Manager, Raise the Roof Productions