Why We Love True Crime Television

Why We Love True Crime Television

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Tuesday, 28th September 2021


An RTS panel explores why we love true crime television and the genre's enduring success.


Jo Clinton Davis, Controller of Popular Factual for ITV and commissioner of shows including An Hour to Catch a Killer with Trevor Mcdonald and the Crime and Punishment strand

Helen Tonge, Managing Director & Executive Producer of Manchester based production company. Title Role TV,  producer of Crimes That Shook Britain

Peter Bleksley, Ex-detective, best known as ‘The Chief’, the star of Channel 4’s hit shows Hunted and Celebrity Hunted

Dr Sohom Das, consultant psychiatrist and contributor to the upcoming Murdertown with Anita Rani on Crime & Investigation


Boyd Hilton, Entertainment Director Heat Magazine, Deputy Editor @PilotTVmag, TV & films reviewer and critic

An RTS panel explores why we love true crime television and the genre's enduring success

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