New Netflix Agatha Christie adaption sets Mia McKenna Bruce and Martin Freeman on the case

New Netflix Agatha Christie adaption sets Mia McKenna Bruce and Martin Freeman on the case

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Tuesday, 11th June 2024
Credit: Netflix

Move over Marple and Poirot, there’s another of Agatha Christie’s detectives ready to take centre stage.

How to Have Sex star Mia McKenna Bruce will take the role of classic Agatha Christie character Bundle Brent in The Seven Dials Mystery, alongside Helena Bonham Carter and Martin Freeman.

Lady Eileen ‘Bundle’ Brent is the unassuming amateur investigator at the heart of two of Christie’s murder mysteries, They Do it With Chimneys and The Seven Dials Mystery.

The latter takes place in a country house in the mid 1920s, when an extravagant party ends – not with a bang, but with a murder. Unluckily for the murderer, Bundle is one of the guests, and she will stop at nothing to discover their identity. Unluckily for Bundle, the solution might change her life forever.

Joining McKenna Bruce are Bonham Carter (Alice in Wonderland) as Lady Caterham, and Freeman (The Responder) as Superintendent Battle. Similarly to Bundle, Battle has appeared in several of Christie’s novels, often seen aiding the leading investigator. Netflix announced the casting with a picture of McKenna Bruce on Instagram, alongside the caption: “This is Agatha Christie for a whole new generation.”

The series has been adapted to screen by Broadchurch creator Chris Chibnall and will be directed by The Tourist’s Chris Sweeney.  

The Seven Dials Mystery will go into production summer of 2024.

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Move over Marple and Poirot, there’s another of Agatha Christie’s detectives ready to take centre stage.