Dr Alex George will present a new mental health documentary, Dr Alex: Our Mental Health Crisis, for BBC Children in Need.
Dr Alex George will follow the personal journeys of young people from all over the UK who are living with mental health issues.
Many children and young people are feeling the short, medium and long-term impacts of poor mental health and emotional wellbeing, effects which have been made worse by the pandemic.
Produced by Dragonfly North, George will uncover the range of mental health problems young people are facing and how BBC Children in Need funded projects and other charities are helping make a tangible change.
George is the UK Youth Mental Health Ambassador, advising the government on mental health.
In July 2020, George saw first-hand the devastating impact the pandemic has had on young people’s mental health when his 19-year-old brother Llyr took his own life after suffering from anxiety during lockdown.
The film will also see George follow the work of projects such as SAFA, The Wave Project and YoungMinds.
Dr Alex George commented: “I am so proud of this film, and the stories that we have been able to tell, thanks to the courage of the young people who have so bravely shared their stories.
“These past 18 months have been incredibly hard and have impacted the lives of so many children and young people, many of whom have been left feeling sad, anxious and alone, but I hope this film brings hope, and shines a light on the remarkable charities and projects across the UK that are making a difference when it is needed most.”