The BBC has obtained the romantic comedy anthology series Love Life, featuring Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect) for BBC One and iPlayer.
Exploring the journey from first love to last love, Love Life follows a different protagonist’s search for romance across the ten-episode series. Love Life reveals how the romantic relationships along the way impact someone before they find ‘the one’.
Anna Kendrick plays Darby, a New Yorker who admits she's having a 'life panic' regarding her love life. Kendrick will be joined by the likes of Zoë Chao (Downhill), Peter Vack (Someone Great) and Sasha Compere (Uncorked). Lesley Manville (Mum) narrates the series.
The series has been created by Sam Boyd (In a Relationship), who co-show runs with Bridget Bedard (Ramy).
The head of BBC Programme Acquisition, Sue Deeks, commented: “Love Life is so engaging and relatable - I am sure BBC viewers will really enjoy witnessing all the romantic experiences the characters go through in the series.”