Television Magazine
Monthly Publication of the RTS

October 2018
Steve Clarke takes soundings on how voice-activated devices will impact on broadcasters
Maggie Brown hears Director-General Tony Hall make an impassioned plea for more funding
Tara Conlan takes a ringside seat as Carolyn McCall sets out her vision for ITV
For programme-buyers, building subscriber loyalty and channel identity can trump a show’s expected...
Matthew Bell takes stock as producers share strategies for winning in a fast-evolving market
Alex Mahon argues that the broadcaster’s role is crucial during a time of disruption. Maggie Brown...
What should policymakers be doing to regulate the internet? Tara Conlan assesses the options
Ofcom CEO Sharon White examines what lessons from regulating TV could be applied to police the...
Jeremy Wright, the new culture secretary, sets out why democracy needs strong public service...
Daniel Sloss, making a global splash via Netflix, explains how his nationality is critical to his...
Kate Bulkley attends IBC and finds that media companies need to embrace AI and be nimble if they...