RTS Scotland

‘Huge’ boom in unscripted

The three-hour speed networking evening, “The big connection”, saw guests being allocated a table and visited by professionals at eight-minute intervals, with everyone given the opportunity to introduce themselves and ask questions.

Sarah Joyce, head of unscripted at ScreenSkills, explained the choice of the evening’s theme: “Sometimes, people don’t really understand what unscripted TV is, or… appreciate that there’s such a breadth of content.

Toiseach Tòiseachaidh | Telebhisean (Starting Point | Television)

Thigibh còmhla rinn airson seisean feumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig le eòlaichean a bheireas taic is comhairle prìseil dhuibh. Bidh còmhraidhean rin cluinntinn mu cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith ag obair ann am mion-chànan mar Ghàidhlig taobh a-staigh saoghal telebhisein, agus dè na dòighean as fheàrr gus cothroman fhaighinn aig diofar chompanaidhean sna tràth làithean.

TV Training: Getting In and Getting Noticed | RTS Scotland

You’ve done your training and now you need to break down the seemingly impenetrable walls of the television industry. Our expert panel shows you how:

Kate Efomi – Training Liaison Manager Scotland, ScreenSkills

Jeannot Hutcheson - Talent Manager, Raise the Roof Productions

Kaljeven Singh Lally - Editor and Director

Professor Dario Sinforiani - Head of Production Teaching, University of Stirling

Kevin McCormick - Head of Production, UK Operations, BBC Studios

Jane McLaughlin - Talent Executive, BBC Studios

Production management: More than just an admin role

Raise the Roof Productions head of production Sandy Robertson defined the role: ‘The production management team ensures that a production gets made safely, on budget and on time.… Usually it’s office-based, as opposed to on location. 

‘Every industry has admin roles but, within television and the creative sector, it’s just so much more fun. It’s enriching… so, although you are doing what is often kind of seen as quite a dull, uninspiring, logistical, admin role, it’s fun.’ 

From Guilt to revenge: the return of the hit Scottish drama

The stylish and twisty BBC Scotland show, which is shot in Edinburgh and returned for a second series this autumn, opens with the antihero, lawyer Max (Mark Bonnar), being released from jail.

“Guilt is spoken about a lot in this series... but this show is more about revenge. Max’s overarching desire is to revenge what has happened to him,” explained the actor.