
Bristol hosts Futures festival

A young woman in a stripy top operates a large, industry-standard video camera

Indies at the November event included Plimsoll Productions and Offspring Films, alongside ITV News West Country and post-production facilities Doghouse, Gorilla and Films at 59, which brought along camera kit for students to try out.

Sessions covered a host of topics, including directing skills with Ilaira Mallalieu (Queens, Disney+) discussing how to craft a story on location and develop narrative arcs, and film-maker Michael Jenkins talking about working with actors.

Wildstar shines a light on the queens of the jungle

“None of us could believe it hadn’t been done before,” recalled Chloe Sarosh, discussing Wildstar Films’ natural history series about female-led societies. As the series producer and writer of Queens, she was there from the start.

Five years, 12 countries and more than 1,700 days in the field later, seven engrossing episodes have come to National Geographic and Disney+.