Thames Valley

Building a Buzz: Trailers Unveiled

This session offers a unique opportunity to delve into the art, strategy, and impact of TV trailers, shedding light on the creative processes behind these bite-sized previews that leave audiences eagerly anticipating their favourite shows.

Discover the secrets behind crafting compelling TV trailers that captivate audiences and build anticipation for upcoming shows. From selecting the perfect clips to crafting impactful sound design and editing techniques, our panel of industry experts will share insights into effective trailer creation.

'The Crown' VFX Masterclass

Experience the magic behind the screen as industry experts Reece Ewing, Ben Turner, and the team dissect key scenes, revealing the intricate process of seamlessly integrating visual effects into storytelling. From opulent palaces to sweeping landscapes, witness how technology intertwines with artistic vision to transport viewers to another era.

An Evening with Evan Shapiro

Many will know Evan Shapiro as the official, unofficial cartographer of the Media Universe since Deadline published his first Media Universe Map.

It has since been adopted by businesses, executives, analysts, and colleges as the unofficial official representation of the map of media. Using his specific point of view, Evan charts the media’s future through his essays in the Media War & Peace Newsletter and with his change agency, ESHAP.

Mind the Skills Gap

This session with an expert panel explores

  • What the roles and skills are for which there needs to be training?
  • How are we going to meet that need at the required pace?
  • How can education and training providers ensure they have effective and relevant training?
  • What are the opportunities for people entering the industry and how do they know which courses and paths to pursue?

Chair:     Carrie Wootten - Co-Founder, Global Broadcast Talent Manifesto

Confirmed Panellists:   


Through several rounds of competition, professional and amateur artists are challenged to produce a portrait of one of three famous sitters. The winning artist of each round, selected by three judges, advances to the semi-final and then to the final, with the winner receiving a cash commission to paint a famous personality and for the picture to become part of a national collection.  

Tackling the Taboo

‘Tackling the Taboo’ will bring together a representative panel of journalists, filmmakers, a charity founder, as well as a rape survivor and campaigner, to share their insights and experience of working within these types of production approaches and parameters.

Meet the panel

Jade Blue McCrossen-Nethercott is a rape survivor and campaigner who shares her own experience of the criminal justice system to advocate for change.

Technology Centre Colloquium - Cybersecurity for Broadcasting

IP provides untold opportunities for broadcasters with its delivery of flexibility, scalability, and resilience, but it also has weaknesses, especially if security is not built into the infrastructure from the start of the design. Broadcast facilities are a prime target for a whole plethora of criminals from hostile state actors to terrorists, and even somebody looking to cause disruption just because they can. Understanding the threat is a full-time job, and that’s before we even start building and maintaining secure systems.