Artificial Intelligence and the Future with Demis Hassabis

Dr Demis Hassabis is the Co-Founder and CEO of DeepMind, the world’s leading General Artificial Intelligence (AI) company, which was acquired by Google in 2014 in their largest ever European acquisition. Demis will draw on his eclectic experiences as an AI researcher, neuroscientist and videogames designer to discuss what is happening at the cutting edge of AI research, its future impact, and how developing AI may help us better understand the human mind, including the nature of imagination and creativity.

RTS Bursaries

The RTS is now in its sixth year of bursary awards, which to date have supported a total of 125 students.  There are two bursary schemes which this year will offer between them 40 bursaries to undergraduates from lower income backgrounds intending to pursue a career in television. 

As well as offering a helping hand to those wanting to study television production, we are keen to encourage undergraduates studying computing or engineering who might consider a career in the technical side of the television industry.

RTS Student Awards 2014

The very best in student production will be recognised at the RTS Student Television Awards 2014, set to be announced at the BFI Southbank on Friday 5 June. 

The shortlist of succesful nominees will be announced later this month, with categories from entertainment to factual and animation being rewarded. The awards encompass both undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the UK. 

This year will also see a gong presented in an 'Open' category for the first time, for any film of under three minutes.

RTS Yorkshire Programme Awards 2015

Building on the success of last year's revamped awards, we're back at the Royal Armouries this year.  

We are happy to announce that Nick Hewer (Countdown, The Apprentice) will be joining us as our host.

We've had a record number of entries from some great companies and productions. Join us!


Hosted by Nick Hewer star of Countdown & The Apprentice.

Booking Instructions

Dowload a booking form HERE

Welcome to the RTS

From glamorous award ceremonies to lively debates, the RTS embraces all aspects of television, and is open to anyone with an interest in the medium. Membership starts at £65 a year, and includes a range of benefits.

As an educational charity, we encourage and celebrate work in television and its related fields, from finding out how the nation’s favourite shows are made in our Anatomy of a Hit series, to celebrating burgeoning talent at our annual Student Awards.

4Connect - virtual networking event for off screen scripted talent

Channel 4, in partnership with the West of England HETV Workforce Development Programme and RTS West of England talent networks, presents 4Connect – a unique virtual networking opportunity designed to connect under-represented off-screen talent with independent production companies specializing in scripted drama and comedy.

It will be on 31st July from 5pm-6:30pm on Zoom.

There will be a short pre-meet on Monday 29th at 12pm-12:20pm on Zoom just to run through how the session will go and answer any questions.