An t-Eilean (The Island) | Screening + Q&A

An t-Eilean (The Island) | Screening + Q&A

An t-Eilean (The Island) | Screening + Q&A
Wednesday, 8 January, 2025


Grosvenor Picture Theatre
24 Ashton Lane
G12 8SJ
United Kingdom
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Thigibh còmhla ri MG ALBA agus RTS airson prìomh thaisbeanadh sònraichte den sgeulachd eucoir An t-Eilean, agus an uair sin Q&A, air thoiseach air a’ chiad chraoladh air BBC ALBA
Join MG ALBA and RTS for an exclusive premiere screening of the crime-thriller drama An t­-Eilean, followed by a Q&A, ahead of its broadcast premiere on BBC ALBA. 



An t-Eilean (The Island) - a’ chiad dràma TBh Gàidhlig aig àrd ìre - sgeulachd eucoir, àileach mu bhreugan, call agus dìomhaireachdan. Air a riochdachadh le Black Camel Pictures agus air a sgrìobhadh le Nick Osborne agus Patsi NicCoinnich, tha an t-sreath àrd-amasach 4-pàirt a’ leantainn oifigear poileis òg, Kat Crichton (Sorcha Groundsell), a thilleas gu mì-dheònach gu eilean a h-àraich mar phàirt den sgrùdadh air murt brùideil. Air a tarraing a-steach do lìon toinnte teaghlach MhicIlleathain, feumaidh Kat a dhol an aghaidh teagamh a ceannard agus aghaidh a chur air a h-eachdraidh fhèin, gus lorg fhaighinn air cò tha ciontach – sreath luath, tarraingeach air a shuidheachadh ann an àrainneachd àlainn nan Eilean Siar. Chuir Sgrìn Alba taic ris an t-sreath seo. 

The first ever high-end Gaelic TV drama, An t-Eilean (The Island) is a gripping and atmospheric crime story about lies, loss and long-buried secrets, set in Lewis and Harris. Produced by Black Camel Pictures and written by Nick Osborne and Patsi Mackenzie, this ambitious 4-part series follows young police officer, Kat Crichton (Sorcha Groundsell), who reluctantly returns to her home island as part of the investigation into a brutal murder. Drawn into the tangled web of the powerful and charismatic Maclean family, Kat must battle her boss’s scepticism, as well as her own demons, to track down the killer – an adrenaline-filled struggle played out against the beautiful but brooding landscape of the Outer Hebrides. This series was supported by Screen Scotland. 


Às dèidh an sgrionaidh bidh Q&A le:

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with:


  • Sorcha Groundsell, Prìomh Chleasaiche | Lead Actor
  • Tom Sullivan, Stiùiriche | Director
  • Arabella Page Croft, Àrd-Riochdaire | Executive Producer
  • Bill MacLeod, Àrd-Riochdaire | Executive Producer



Ceann-là | Date:                Wednesday 08 January 2025
Dorsan | Doors:                 19:00
Sgrionadh | Screening:    19:45
Àite | Venue:                      Grosvenor Picture Theatre, Ashton Lane, Glasgow (Get Directions)
Tiocaidean | Tickets:        Free

Please note the venue operates a challenge 25 policy.



19:00    Fàilte is deochan | Arrival & welcome drinks
19:45    Sgrionadh + Q&A le pannal | An t-Eilean Screening + Q&A with panel
Cothrom lìonraidh & deochan | Post-screening networking drinks: Grosvenor Café until 22:00


The Grosvenor Picture Theatre and screens are wheelchair accessible. The venue is all single level and includes accessible toilets. Please contact by email if we can help your visit in anyway -


If you spot any booking errors or need to make changes please email



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Thigibh còmhla ri MG ALBA agus RTS airson prìomh thaisbeanadh sònraichte den sgeulachd eucoir An t-Eilean, agus an uair sin Q&A, air thoiseach air a’ chiad chraoladh air BBC ALBA
Join MG ALBA and RTS for an exclusive premiere screening of the crime-thriller drama An t­-Eilean, followed by a Q&A, ahead of its broadcast premiere on BBC ALBA.