The RTS Scotland Awards 2025
Save the date... Nominees announced May 2025!
The RTS Scotland Awards will return to the The Old Fruitmarket on Friday 06 June 2025!
Join us to celebrate and recognise the very best in Scottish-made TV
– and the talented craftspeople who make it happen!
Don't Miss Out!
Save the date for the best industry night of the year!
Tickets are expected to sell out quickly, so don't delay when nominees are announced in May 2025
We look forward to welcoming everyone to the RTS Scotland Awards.
Non-members are always welcome at our events.
We're welcoming the best of Scottish TV talent and craft to enter this years awards. New Categories have been added so be sure to give your entry the attention it deserves before the deadline on Friday 17 March 2025, 23:59.
What are the RTS Scotland Awards?
The Awards celebrate the very best Scottish TV talent and craft broadcast between 01 January 2024 - 31 December 2024.
What Categories are Awarded?
New and Updated Categories added for 2025
- Daytime & Features
- Documentary
- Entertainment
- Original Music Score
- Specialist Factual
- Sport
- Young Journalist Award (Now for those 33 or younger)
Returning Categories for 2025
- Actor – Female
- Actor – Male
- Camera (Craft)
- Children's
- Comedy
- Current Affairs
- Director: Non-Scripted
- Director: Scripted
- Drama
- Live Event
- News
- On-Screen Personality
- Post Production: Editing (Craft)
- Post Production: Motion Design & Animation
- Short Form
- Sound (Craft)
- Writer
How Do I Enter?
CLICK HERE to create your account and enter the RTS Scotland awards
- The cost of each entry is £96 (£80 + £16 VAT)
- Please make payment by card online. A link to pay can be found on your invoice that is generated once your entry has been submitted. BACs is unavailable unless you are an approved broadcaster
What Makes Entries Eligible?
Criteria & Guidelines
Entries are judged on
- Creativity
- Originality and innovation
- Entertainment value
- Use of resources
- Professionalism
All work must have been aired on TV, distributed for non-broadcast or streamed online for the first time between 01 January 2024 and 31 December 2024 inclusive.
Work should be commissioned and not simply self-promoting.
Entries must qualify as a Scottish regional production. To qualify, entries must meet two out of the following three criteria, as agreed by OFCOM:
1. the production company must have a substantive business and production based in Scotland.
2. at least 70% of the production budget must be spent in Scotland; and
3. at least 50% of the production talent by cost must have their usual place of employment in Scotland.
For more information, visit the link below:
Regional Production and Regional Programme Guidance from 2021 (
Full Category Criteria via Entry Portal
Download HERE
How Are Entries Judged?
Judging Process
- Each entry will be judged by industry experts drawn from appropriate disciplines into sub-committees responsible for specific categories. Each sub-committee will have a chair of the category judging panel.
- Judges will consider all submitted content, contextual notes and testimonials.
- Each entry will be judged by industry experts drawn from appropriate disciplines into sub-committees responsible for specific categories. Each sub-committee will have a chair of the category judging panel. Judges will consider all submitted content, contextual notes and testimonials.
- Judging will take place from April and the decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence can be entered into as to why particular entries were not chosen for nomination.. In the event of a tie in any category, the Chair will have the casting vote.
- Under normal circumstances awards will not be made posthumously. Entries made and judged prior to any individual’s death will be awarded as planned.
- Please take care to comply with the entry requirements of each category. Be careful to follow guidance on length of submitted video material, additional written information and qualifying time period to ensure compliance.
- The entries will be judged based on what entrants submit, not on the judges’ memories of the original transmission or their knowledge of the entrant’s other work.
- Except when otherwise stated, the definition of ‘broadcast’ is taken to include web streaming and Video On Demand.
- The judges retain the right to combine categories or not to offer an award, if there are too few entries in a category.
- Should your entry be nominated you will be expected to provide a broadcast quality clip, for inclusion in the awards ceremony nominee compilation.
- If a clip does not meet the criteria in any way, the entry fee will not be refunded. So please double check that any clips were first transmitted between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023 inclusive and qualify as a Scottish production.
- Due to the volume of entries, some categories now request a timecode for judges to begin viewing a 15 minute except.
What Happens If I Am Nominated?
- All nominees will receive a notification email
- All notifications around the awards and award ceremony will be sent to your supplied email address
- The full list of nominations will be available online by May 2025
- Please be aware that should your entry receive a nomination (nominations will be announced at the beginning of May), your 20 second nomination clips will be projected on the large screen at the ceremony in HD.
When will the Awards take place?
- Award Ceremony takes place on Friday 06 June 2025 at The Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow
- Follow us to find out when tickets are released
I Need Help. Who Can I Contact?
Support Help
For any general enquires, please contact:
For any technical support, please contact: or call 0207 822 2820
Good luck!
The RTS Scotland Awards 2025 are currently sponsored by Screen Skills HETV Fund, Channel 4, BBC Studios, Screen Scotland and The Nerve.