Creative Diversity Network: The Network Speaks

Creative Diversity Network: The Network Speaks

Tuesday, 28 January, 2020


The Square Club
United Kingdom
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The Creative Diversity Network is coming to Bristol on 28th January 2020 as part of The Network Speaks, to talk about the complexity of diversity and address and change how the industry works for everyone. 

The aim is to talk about access in its broadest sense during an afternoon session, which will be an accessible and open discussion where everyone has the chance to have their voices heard.

What will the session cover?

Hiring and retaining the best available talent means being actively inclusive of everyone. What are reasonable adjustments to make in your processes, interactions and physical environments? How do you reduce the impact of unconscious bias? How can you overcome the awkwardness of the merely unfamiliar?

Beginning with an introductory overview of diversity in the broadcasting Industry, this salon style discussion will focus on how to improve the diversity of your hiring at each stage: outreach, first contact and retention.

This event is a collaboration between Creative Diversity Network and the Royal Television Society West of England

Free to attend, places are limited

28th January 2020, 3.30-5.30pm followed by drinks in the Lower Deck

The Square Club, Bristol


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The Creative Diversity Network is coming to Bristol on 28th January 2020 as part of The Network Speaks, to talk about the complexity of diversity and address and change how the industry works for everyone.