The Consumer Tech Conundrum - members' visit

The Consumer Tech Conundrum - members' visit

Screens of varying sizes at iBurbia
Wednesday, 2 December, 2015
6:30 for 7:00


iBurbia Studios
3 Heathfield Terrace
W4 4JB
United Kingdom
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Centre Event

How will consumers find and watch TV in the emerging Smart Home? 

To download the Powerpoint slides from this event please click here 

This members-only visit to iBurbia in Chiswick is a chance to revel in everything new and interesting in the world of TV boxes, streamers, dongles and devices

- Linear in the air or up the pipe?

- Will Catch Up or PVR win the timeshift battle?

- Do we need broadcast players at all?

- So many dongles so little time?

With live demos of all the latest boxes and services and a couple of provocative speakers to argue each point, this members-only event is a combination of a sit down talk and a series of walk-around demos of new tech.  

To download the Powerpoint slides from this event please click here 

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Location Details

3 Heathfield Terrace
W4 4JB
United Kingdom

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How will consumers find and watch TV in the emerging Smart Home?