Make-Up and Hair

Make-Up and Hair

The hair and make-up department helps to shape the visual look of a character or talent on a television show.

Skills needed

  • Understanding of the current fashion and beauty trends
  • Excellent practical make-up or hairdressing skills and experience
  • Strong knowledge of available make-up and beauty products
  • Able to be neat and have a steady hand
  • Technical skills and knowledge of beauty tools and techniques
  • Excellent time management 
  • Strong portfolio of work
  • Able to work quickly and to adapt to each person/client

Job roles

  • Make-up/hair assistant
  • Make-up/hair artist
  • Chief make-up artist/chief hairdresser
  • Make-up/hair designer

Duties include

  • Applying make-up to talent in keeping with the director's brief
  • Styling hair in keeping with the director's brief
  • Specific techniques used for prosthetics such as cuts and wounds or facial hair
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of tools and brushes
  • Checking the talent for allergies or special requirements
  • Overseeing a team of hair stylists/make-up artists 
  • Keeping continuity between characters/talent

Useful links

How to be a make-up designer | Tips in 60 seconds

Bodyguard: Make-up designer My Alehammar explains how to get the dream job