The new Sky comedy series, Brassic, from Bafta award-winning writer Danny Brocklehurst (Safe) and actor Joe Gilgun (This is England) focuses on the often overlooked northern working classes and features an all-star British cast.
Gilgun stars as Vinnie, a jack the lad with a solid group of childhood friends, but a case of bipolar disorder.
Speaking about tackling such a personal issue Gilgun commented, “Bipolar is a big part of my life. We want to show that you can have mental health issues and in some cases live a productive, exciting life, full of adventure.”
Gilgun’s character Vinnie’s life is changed forever when his best friend Dylan (played by Damien Molony, Ripper Street) meets single mum Erin (Michelle Keegan, Our Girl), promptly falls head over heels in love and plans to leave town with her and her young son.
This turn of events doesn’t bode well for co-dependant Vinnie who wonders how he will cope without his partner in crime.
Joining Vinnie in his apprehension over the loss of Dylan are the lads’ gang of delinquent friends, played by Tom Hanson, Aaron Heffernan, Ryan Sampson and Parth Thakerar. They’ve all been together forever, tearing up the northern suburbs and generally winning at life, in their view at least. If Vinnie leaves, can they finally mature and own what life could be like if they all moved on from the gang mentality?
The cast is also set to include Ruth Sheen (Unforgotten) and Tim Key (Zapped) and production will begin in September for Sky and NOW TV.
“This is a passion project for Joe and myself and we have collaborated every step of the way to create an outrageous, funny, stylistically bold show that brings to life a rarely seen northern working-class world,” said co-creator and writer Danny Brocklehurst. “This is a big-hearted show about life at the sharp end of modern Britain.”
Brassic is produced by Calamity Films and will be distributed internationally by ITV Global.
The series will air on SKY and NOW TV in the UK and Ireland in 2019.