Television Magazine
Monthly Publication of the RTS
November 2021
From January, all BBC commissions must be certified by the Albert sustainability scheme....
The RTS in Wales examines how far we’ve got with sustainable production and on-screen recognition...
Shilpa Ganatra discovers how, for disabled people working in TV, even minor adjustments can pay big...
Steve Clarke profiles the new culture secretary, ex-reality TV star and bestselling author, who...
Series 3 of the HBO hit is breaking audience records. Caitlin Danaher explores why the despicable...
Showtrial, from the makers of Line of Duty, asks big questions about how we judge women who find...
The channel’s revamp of Married at First Sight is one of the year’s surprise hits. RTS Futures...
Television distils a day of expert advice from leading TV practitioners at the RTS Student...
Matthew Bell celebrates a poetic, gripping and harrowing political thriller that is, sadly, just as...
Squid Game’s huge popularity is boosting Netflix but Shilpa Ganatra believes its success should not...