RTS Craft Skills Masterclasses

RTS Student Masterclasses 2020

RTS Craft Skills Masterclasses

The craft masterclasses demonstrated television’s huge variety of creative roles. The cinematography session offered two experts from opposite ends of the shooting spectrum. Georgina Kiedrowski is frequently embedded with the cast on reality shows such as Channel 4’s The Island with Bear Grylls. “I have to concen­trate on the editorial as well as [the shooting],” said the self-shooting producer.

RTS Masterclasses 2019

RTS Craft Skills Masterclasses 2019


Editors Emma Lysaght and Matthew Gray spoke about how they had each worked with distinguished programme-­makers, Louis Theroux and Shane Meadows, respectively.

Lysaght, a documentary specialist, worked on Louis Theroux’s Altered States: Choosing Death, in which terminally ill people prepared to take their own lives.