The Streamers and the UK Production Ecology

An RTS panel discusses the impact of US high end television investment on the UK production sector

Robots and Running Orders | RTS Thames Valley

RTS Thames Valley looks at the emergence of AI and Machine Learning in creative media

In conversation with Daisy Edgar-Jones and Paul Mescal

Normal People's Daisy Edgar-Jones and Paul Mescal talk to Caroline Frost about the breakout hit

Full Stream Ahead: How the Creative Industries Embraced Live Streaming | RTS London

RTS London looks at how the creative industries embraced live streaming and what impact this could have on the TV industry and more conventional broadcasters

In conversation with Sarah Parish and James Murray | RTS Southern

Sarah Parish and James Murray join Sangeeta Bhabra, ITV, in conversation

The Crown: Deconstructing the Fairytale

The makers of The Crown discuss how the series deconstructs the story of Diana Spencer's entry into the Royal Family

RTS West of England Student Television Awards 2021

RTS West of England Student Television Awards 2021

Children's Programme award winner Charlene White on the importance of changing the way people think about race

Charlene White accepts the Children's Award

Michael Holding accepts his award for Sports Presenter, Commentator or Pundit

Michael Holding accepts his award for Sports Presenter, Commentator or Pundit

Anne Mensah accepts her Judges' Award at the RTS Programme Awards 2021

Netflix's Anne Mensah accepts her Judges' Award at the RTS Programme Awards 2021

Russell T Davies accepts his Outstanding Achievement Award

Russell T Davies accepts his Outstanding Achievement Award

Youssef Kerkour wins Comedy Performance Male

Youssef Kerkour wins Comedy Performance Male