Television Magazine

July/August 2020

Jude Poyer is responsible for the high-octane action sequences and bone-crunching but balletic...
‘Fathers… finish your breakfast and come outside for your daily punishment.’ Steve Clarke applauds...
Emma Scott realises that she doesn’t want to swap TV for teaching – and finds that Zoom helps her...
The ground-breaking US crime drama The Sopranos, from HBO, is often ranked as one of the greatest...
The RTS takes a detailed look at the new working methods that have got programmes back into...
Commitment at the top is vital if people from ethnic minorities are to achieve a breakthrough in...
BBC news chief Fran Unsworth explains why the broadcaster needs to hold those in power to account...
The BBC’s new Director-General, Tim Davie, needs to be bold, argues Roger Mosey
An RTS event unlocks the secrets that made BBC One drama The A Word such a success.
Television’s freelance workforce is suffering mentally and financially from the impact of the...
Dr Charlie Easmon casts a sceptical eye at the TV pundits proffering their expertise during the...
Series that hook into viewers’ obsession with their homes are here to stay, says an expert RTS...
Viewing of linear channels has surged in recent months, but the biggest victors are on-demand...
John Whiston hails a TV doctor like no other – and still finds time to dance the coronavirus two-...
BBC One’s adaptation of The Luminaries brings a subversive edge to period drama. Caroline Frost...