New Sky One comedy series Code 404 stars Daniel Mays (Good Omens) and Stephen Graham (Save Me) as two detectives in the Special Investigation Unit at the London Met.
Set in the near future, the six-part series follows top crime fighting duo John Major (Daniel Mays) and Roy Carver (Stephen Graham) as they carry out undercover stings.
When one fatal operation goes wrong, John Major is shot dead and then brought back to life in an artificial intelligence project, losing his valued crime-fighting instincts in the process.
Code 404 is written by Danny Peak (Not Going Out) and produced by Water & Power Productions and Kudos.
“What a coup, Stephen Graham and Daniel Mays are the dream team – the perfect Carver and Major,” commented Jon Mountague, Head of Comedy at Sky.
“Danny Peak’s scripts are endlessly hilarious and very, very arresting. Can’t wait.”
Producer Tom Miller added that “Danny and Stephen are an electric double-act, and with Daniel Peak’s brilliant scripts we can’t wait to bring this to life for Sky One.”
Code 404 will air on Sky One and Now TV next year.