Line of Duty created by Jed Mercurio became an instant success when it premiered on 26 June 2012. The first series was BBC Two’s best-performing drama series in ten years, achieving a consolidated audience of 4.1 million viewers.
The critically acclaimed second series hit our screens in 2014 and realising they had a hit on their hands, the BBC commissioned two more that year. Having become the most popular drama series broadcast on BBC Two in the multi-channel era, Line of Duty made the jump to BBC One.
With filming for series five underway and fans eagerly anticipating the return of the AC-12 team in 2019, Line of Duty is widely recognised as the decade’s best British drama series.
As one reviewer commented: ‘once you’ve taken a bite, it’s practically impossible to avoid being consumed by Jed Mercurio’s patchwork of well-crafted thrills, engrossing characterisation and stunning reveals’. Another summed up: ‘does TV come any more gripping than this?.’
Anatomy of a Hit: Line of Duty will explore how the series was created and how it has been able to stay at the top of its game. Rich in clips, it promises to be a very special and fascinating glimpse behind the scenes of one the most successful and best-loved dramas in years.