BBC World Service

BBC World Service

World Service TV studio
Wednesday, 24 January, 2018
6:30 for 7:00pm


ITV London Studios
Upper Ground
United Kingdom
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Centre Event

Reaching even more people around the world...

The BBC World Service is currently undergoing its biggest ever expansion, adding twelve new language services and investing more into digital innovation, increasing its TV output and expanding its overseas operations.  The aim is make the BBC’s trusted news and content more accessible to audiences around the world – specifically, to reach 500 million people worldwide by the BBC’s 100th anniversary in 2022.

A multilingual project on a global scale, the launch of multiple TV programmes is driving audience growth, but also has many challenges.
The World Service team responsible for the TV strategy will share experiences and insights across editorial, production and technical areas.

Chair: Aradhna Tayal
Adrian Van-Klaveren - Programme Director, World 2020, BBC News
Juliana Iootty - Head of Asia, BBC World Service
Nicky Goldberg - Head of the Television Unit, BBC World Service
David James - Technology Manager, World Service Distribution


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Location Details

Upper Ground
United Kingdom

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