The RTS/IET Joint Public Lecture has been running since 2014 and aims to examine potential impact of developments in science on the world of television. Each of the speakers is a pioneer in their field, who can offer a unique insight into recent scientific developments for anyone interested in the development of new technologies.

Tim Peake. Life, The Universe and Beyond, 25 October 2017
Tim Peake became the first British ESA astronaut to visit the International Space Station in 2015. During his six months in space, he conducted a space walk to repair the Station's power supply and undertook a series of experiments, including monitoring his own sleeping patterns to learn how humans adapt to life without normal daylight.
Peake discussed the future of space travel, his extraordinary career as an astronaut and reflected on his remarkable experiences in space.
Watch full lecture here.
Sir Paul Nurse. Science as Revolution, 11 May 2016
Sir Paul Nurse is a Nobel Prize-winning geneticist and cell biologist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine alongside Leland Hartwell and Tim Hunt for their discovery of protein molecules that control the division of cells in the cell cycles.
His lecture examined the ways in which science is changing the world and how the world needs to respond to these changes. Sir Paul explained how scientific knowledge has brought about revolutions in the ways that we live and in the technologies that support society.
Watch full lecture here.
Demis Hassabis. Artificial Intelligence and the future, 4 November 2015
Dr Demis Hassabis is the Co-Founder and CEO of DeepMind, the world’s leading General Artificial Intelligence (AI) company, which was acquired by Google in 2014 in their largest ever European acquisition.
Demis drew on his eclectic experiences as an AI researcher, neuroscientist and videogame designer to discuss developments at the cutting edge of AI research, the technology's future impact, and how developing AI may help us better understand the human mind, including the nature of imagination and creativity.
Watch full lecture here.
Dr Michael Lynch. Prediction is very difficult, particularly about the future, 13 May 2014
Dr Michael Lynch's background in science, particularly signal processing and pattern recognition, allowed him to make the leap from academia to business. As an entrepreneur Michael Lynch co-founded Autonomy in 1996, which was the UK's largest software company until it was acquired by Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011.
Lynch spoke of new creative opportunities for content creators that will allow people to interact with 3D images by using machine recognition technology, which are poised to transform the television landscape entirely.
Watch full lecture here