Television Magazine

July/August 2016

The raunchy Versailles is more than a romp through history, finds Raymond Snoddy. It is a symptom...
Will Brexit liberate Britain's TV sector or will international media giants now abandon London...
Tony Jordan moves on from Dickensian to Dubrovnik, but still thinks the BBC allowed a special show...
More data and transparency are needed if TV companies are to stop discriminating against women. So...
As Vice launches its first UK TV channel, Stuart Kemp investigates why having a strong identity is...
Steve Clarke meets polyglot Turner executive Giorgio Stock, whose division is back on top.
Short-form video is booming – the challenge is getting your content noticed, says Steve Clarke
James Mates blames willful British ignorance of the European project for Brexit 
Book review: Maggie Brown gives us her commentary on The Day the Music Died: A Life Lived...
An RTS event wrung some laughs from a weighty subject – how to make it in TV comedy. Matthew Bell...
A new wave of innovation in set-top boxes will see power shift from broadcasters to platforms,...