A team from Weobley High School, Herefordshire has won Midlands Centre’s competition for schools
Their idea for a TV programme, Billy the Bear, featuring a teddy bear who educates and entertains kids, stole the hearts of the judges, winning them a VIP Tour of BBC Birmingham.
Midland’s education programme is now in its third year. The RTS Centre worked with secondary schools in the region, offering year 8 and 9 pupils an insight into the television and visual media industries.
The Centre held a series of workshops at schools where students learned about the wide variety of jobs in TV, from the more obvious roles such as writers, directors and camera operators to those less associated with the industry, accountants, engineers and facilities managers.
The students were then divided into small teams to first create a new TV programme and pitch it to a commissioner.
At each workshop a guest speaker from BBC Birmingham talked to the students about their life in TV, picking a winning team from each school to go forward to the grand final.
Fifteen schools took part in the programme, with the winning teams attending the final on 29 June at the University of Wolverhampton where they presented their ideas to a panel of expert judges including David Jennings, head of regional and local programming at BBC Birmingham.