Television Magazine

Monthly Publication of the RTS

Television magazine September 2015

September 2015

Now owned outright by Discovery, the pan-European sports channel that recently bagged the Olympics...
From Game of Thrones to True Detective and Girls, HBO is riding high. Kate Bulkley talks...
BT TV is opening up a new front in the battle with Sky by launching the first AMC-branded UK...
Maggie Brown meets All3Media’s CEO Jane Turton, who knows the company inside out
Controller of BBC Two Kim Shillinglaw tells Andrew Billen why she believes the health of her...
On holiday with his kids, Dan Brooke is subjected to some urban slang. It’s not the kind of...
Daunted by the digital disruption of TV? Then check out one of London’s regular Meetups, says Terry...
Apprenticeships in television and radio are expanding. Pippa Shawley hears why on-the-job training...
Adrian Pennington looks at the big technology trends that will dominate September’s International...
Shadow culture secretary Chris Bryant warns that reducing the scale and scope of the BBC would...