Television Magazine
Monthly Publication of the RTS

February 2015
The merger of three European satellite broadcasters is a defensive move.
The merger of three European satellite broadcasters is a defensive move, explains Raymond Snoddy
May 2015 is shaping up to be the UK’s first connected general election. Torin Douglas reports.
Grant Mansfield says you need to develop a thick skin
Pre-dawn start keeps daytime debate fresh
Apps have the potential to change the way we interact with TV shows.
Obituary of the RTS' first full time director (1935-2014) by Steve Clarke
Launched one year ago, the upstart news network is winning new respect for Vice Media hears Pippa...
The Charlie Hebdo massacre echoes through Jon Snow’s week. TV journalists can be blasé about many...
The last time director Peter Kosminsky made a period drama, it flopped. So why did he take on Wolf...
As Amazon signs Woody Allen to make his first TV series, are on-demand services poised to wreck the...
Breathtaking footage filmed by drones is becoming part of the grammar of TV. Andrew Sheldon is...