What's On and Book
Upcoming Events
Thigibh còmhla ri MG ALBA agus RTS airson prìomh thaisbeanadh sònraichte...
24 Ashton Lane
Wed 8th January '25
RTS Technology Centre
A poll in 2022 of nearly 1,900 self-identified adult US Formula 1...
Stockley Park, 5 Longwalk Rd, Hayes
Wed 15th January '25
RTS Headquarters
Following a year of change and evolution, what lies next for the TV...
Wed 22nd January '25
West of England
Wed 22nd January '25
West of England
RTS West of England event in association with The Bottle Yard Studios and...
Mon 27th January '25
RTS Headquarters
The RTS Careers Fair is back so don’t miss your chance to be a...
Tue 4th February '25
North East and the Borders
Tickets are now on sale!
The RTS North East and The...
Sat 15th February '25
West of England
Save the Date! RTS West of England Student Awards ceremony will take place...
Mon 3rd March '25
West of England
Save the date!
The RTS West of England Awards will take place Sunday...
Sun 27th April '25