The BBC's award-winning R&D department opens its doors to an exclusive members-only visit.
BBC Research and Development is working on a broad range of technologies for television, radio and the internet. This event is a chance to find out about a selection of its developments in an evening of presentations and demonstrations.The event is being held at BBC R&D’s South Lab in west London: one of the BBC’s three R&D laboratories.
Presentations and demos will include
@Forecaster an example of object-based broadcasting being developed to solve the problem of the BBC’s content being viewed using a wide range of devices, from mobile phones and tablets outdoors to large high definition displays in the living room.
Fright Night demonstrates an immersive ‘virtual reality’ experience for radio using the latest development in binaural audio.
Connected Studio is a gestation test bed where technologists from R&D work with their programme creation colleagues in other parts of the BBC and other organisations to trial new ideas for new types of content, taking advantage of the increasingly connected society.
Ultra High Definition Television, also known as 4K, update on the latest developments in UHD, particularly how High Dynamic Range will make brighter and more colourful pictures.
18:00: Arrival and demos
19:00: Welcome to BBC R&D and safety instructions
19:05: RTS Introduction
19:10: Forecaster
19:30: Fright Night
19:50: Connected Studio
20:10: Ultra High Definition TV
20:30: Q&A
20:45: Demos (gives a chance to see a demo in the light of the presentation)
21:30: Depart (this time is fixed, so any presentation overrun will shorten second demo time).