East Centre Awards 2018

East Centre Awards 2018

Thursday, 15 March, 2018


Norwich University of the Arts
Duke Street Building
Duke Street
United Kingdom
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The Awards will be presented on the evening of Thursday 15th March at Norwich University of the Arts. 



You are invited to submit programmes, video, film or other content which were, or will be distributed, screened, streamed, broadcast and/or published on any platform between 1st December 2016 and the 30th November 2017 for consideration for the Royal Television Society East Centre Awards for 2018.

Programmes or other content must have been produced, published, commissioned or creatively controlled by an East based company or organisation  (East Region for the purposes of these Awards includes: Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.)

All entries should be put forward as transmitted and without further internal edits or post broadcast or post-delivery edits.

Each entry must be submitted online by following this link: https://awardsentry.rts.org.uk/entrant  Please ensure you complete all of the sections.

For all enquiries relating to the Awards criteria or the judging process please contact Jayne Greene either by phoning 07792 776585 or emailing RtsEast@rts.org.uk. For any technical support relating to the submission process please contact Jamie O’Neill at RTS Head Office 020 7822 2810.

A 30 second clip of each entry must be submitted in addition to the entry. If you are entering the same piece of work into more than one category, please ensure you submit a different 30 second clip for each entry. If your entry is nominated, this clip will be used as part of the presentation at the awards dinner, so please ensure it showcases your entry effectively.

There is an Entry Fee of £40 plus VAT per category (£48).  If a programme is entered in one or more categories, a payment is required for each category entered. Payment details will be provided at time of entry. Please note payment by credit card is not accepted.

The closing date for entries is Friday 8th December 2017.  Entries received after this date will not be considered.

The Judges reserve the right to move submissions to more appropriate categories if necessary.

You may nominate your own entry whether or not you are a member of the RTS.

Nominees will be announced week commencing 22nd January 2018

Each category will be judged by 3 independent judges from outside the region.

The Student Awards will be subject to separate entry process, details of which can be found on our website rts.org.uk


1. Promotional Film

This Award recognises production excellence and creativity in film intended either for general or specialised audiences made either for corporate purposes or marketing purposes.

They may have promotional, public information, training, educational, entertainment, special interest or other purposes.

This can have been shown on any platform

2. Short Film

Short Films can have been shown on any platform and they must be under 15 minutes  in length. This category can include single drama, short film, online drama, animation, children’s fictional, light entertainment.

3. On Screen Personality

This Award recognises an outstanding on-screen personality featured within an East based production.  The subject covered by the personality will not be judged.  It will be the individual’s own appearance and professional delivery. Dramatic characterisations are not eligible.   

4. On Screen Journalist

This award is for the best work during the year by an on screen journalist. Video and digital journalist, reporters and correspondents are welcome to enter, they can be specialists or in general news reporting. Open to news organisations, agencies, websites or production companies.  Entries should be up to 30 minutes in length with no internal edits and should include a minimum of three items to demonstrate the range of the journalist.                                                                                          

 5. Digital Content

This Award recognises innovation and outstanding achievement in multi-platform digital content including interactive TV, digital media, on screen graphics, This category does not include short film.

7. News and Current Affairs Feature

This Award will be presented to an outstanding news or current affairs feature and may include content from national or network programming. This should be a single feature, not a compilation, and submitted without internal edits

8. New Talent Off Screen

First time entrants to RTS awards may enter this category which recognises the very best of the new talent from the broadcast, digital and online community across the region working in an off screen capacity and includes craft skills, post production

9. New Talent On Screen

First time entrants to RTS awards may enter this category which recognises the very best of the new talent from the broadcast, digital and online community across the region working in an on screen capacity and including presenters, actors and journalists.                                                                                                                                      

10. Factual Programme

This Award recognises excellence in the production of news, current affairs, social and factual content.  It also includes Specialist Factual - from science, natural history and the environment, history and the arts to consumer issues, business or general popular factual.

A single programme should be submitted in full.  One episode from a series is acceptable and entries from broadcast and digital platforms will be considered. A compilation of edits is not acceptable.

11. Production Craft Skills

This Award recognises achievement behind the camera and includes camera, sound, lighting, directing, producing, animation, special effects, writing

12. Post-Production Craft Skills

This award recognises achievement in creative artistry, innovation and audio & visual manipulation and includes video or film editing, music - original score or original song, sound design, sound mixing & editing, visual effects, title sequences, graphic design

13. The Diversity Award

The Diversity Award is for the individual or team which has shown particular expertise and produced outstanding coverage of a diversity issue or event during the year. It will recognise the best coverage of all forms of diversity. The jury has defined diversity as stories about race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion and social class. This can include drama and factual content.


SUBMISSION DEADLINE Friday 8th December 2017

All entries plus 30 second clips must now be submitted online. Incomplete entries may not be considered.


Follow this link to submit your entries https://awardsentry.rts.org.uk/entrant

You will need to register as a user in order to submit your entries.

Once you have registered you will need to Create Entry. In this section you can upload any relevant documentation that you would like the judges to consider.

To upload your video go to the Video Management tab

Please ensure when submitting your entry online that you complete all of the relevant boxes for each entry.

Please attached any supporting documentation that you would like the judges to consider to the submission when prompted

When submitting your entry make sure you choose to create your entry for RTS EAST AWARDS as other centres awards will also be listed here.         


If your entry is nominated, the 30 second clip that you provide will be used as part of the presentation at the awards dinner, so please ensure it showcases your entry effectively.

A 30 second clip of each entry must be submitted at the time that you submit your entries regardless of whether your entry is nominated or not.

Please ensure you submit your 30 second clip via the Video Management option and clearly mark it as ’30 second clip for <<entry title and category entered>>.

If you are entering the same piece of work into more than one category, please ensure you submit a different 30 second clip for each entry.

30 second clip requirements:

30 second clip with fade from black and fade out to black

No clocks

File type MP4 only

Specify exactly which entry it is for including name of entrant and category


Payment of £40 plus VAT is required per entry. Payments will be requested via the online entry system.


General enquiries or those relating to criteria or the administration of the awards should be directed to Jayne Greene, RTS East Centre Administrator, Telephone: 07792 776585, email: RTSMidlands@rts.org.uk

Technical enquiries relating to online submission only should be directed to Jamie O’Neill, RTS Head Office 0207 822 2810

Associated Regional Term: 
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Location Details

Duke Street Building
Duke Street
United Kingdom

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The Awards will be presented on the evening of Thursday 15th March at Norwich University of the Arts.