Alan Meacham Obituary

Alan Meacham Obituary

By Richard Meacham,
Tuesday, 8th October 2024
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Alan Meacham, an RTS Member for 60 years, died during the summer.

His career spanned roles at the BBC, Rank Taylor Hobson, DigiVision and De Montfort University, where he shared his love for technology and innovation.

Alan became a member of the Society in 1964, and served as a committee member for the East Midlands, and Nottingham and East Midlands centres, contributing significantly to the field of television and broadcasting.

He supported black-and-white 405-line television, the roll-out of colour TV at BBC Two, travelled the world-supporting zoom lenses, then managed audio, video and animation studios at De Montfort. He earned the nickname ‘Mr Fix It’ thanks to his ability to repair anything.

Leicester-born Alan studied natural philosophy at the University of St Andrews.

Alan Meacham 1939–2024