Amelia Brown

Can broadcast fight back?: Industry leaders make their 2025 TV Predictions

Two men and three women sit in a row on a panel discussion

Survive till ’25. That was the mantra of the TV industry in 2024, as budgets were squeezed, costs surged, and viewers changed habits. We’ve made it through 2024 – creating national moments with Mr Bates vs The Post Office, The ­Traitors and the Gavin & Stacey Christmas special. But what happens next? 

Fremantle UK CEO Amelia Brown looks back at her career

There is an irony to Amelia Brown’s rise to the top of the TV tree. The Fremantle UK CEO says: “My mother was hilariously strict with my TV watching and would not let me watch much of it… So, I would rebel and watch it where and when I could... she was a bit of a TV snob.”

She and her mum subsequently saw the funny side when Brown found success working on ITV hits Pop Idol, The X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent and reminded her mother: “You wouldn’t even let me watch ITV!”