Student Television Awards 2012

Awards Ceremony

Friday, 4 September, 2015

Student Television Awards 2012

The Awards Ceremony for 2012’s outstanding student work in the animation, factual, entertainment and fiction categories took place at BBC Scotland’s Studio in Glasgow on the 7th of February 2013. The ceremony was hosted by Henry Eagles and individual presentations were made by members of the judging panel. The judging panel was made up of industry experts Richard Downes, Yvonne Jennings, James Henry, Barbara McKissock, Cliff Martin and Sueann Smith whose meeting was chaired by Henry at STV on 5th December 2011. The judging panel was delighted when My Name is Tom Moody went on to win the UK animation award.


Undergraduate Animation

My Name is Tom Moody, Ainslie Henderson,Edinburgh College of Art

Runner Up 
How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep? Anna Ginsberg, Edinburgh College of Art

Runner Up 
All That Glisters, Claire Lamond,Edinburgh College of Art

Note: letter of commendation to Tea Party, Vitalij Sicinava, Edinburgh College of Art


Undergraduate Entertainment

It’s Only A Movie, Ewan Denny and Team, City of Glasgow College/ Edinburgh Napier University

Runner Up 
The Late Show, Gareth Malone, Stephanie Borman and Team, University of the West of Scotland


Undergraduate Factual

On Another Note, Emma Dove, Keiba Clubb, Juliet Hounam and Marina Gonzalez, University of Stirling

Runner Up
Free Rein, Andrew Chambers, Fiona Gray, Bethany Lawrie, Sam Postlethwaite and Amy Saunders, University of Stirling

Runner Up 
Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Nicola Braid and Team, City of Glasgow College


Undergraduate Fiction

Flashbulb, Kieran Gosney (Director) and Kestrel Cheswick (Producer),Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh University 

Runner Up 
Fashion Victim, Martin 

Runner Up
Unnoticed, Andrew Crane and Team, City of Glasgow College/Edinburgh Napier University
