How does Cambridge communicate its transformative discoveries to fresh audiences in a new media age? Are the old routes to viewers through television executives and newspaper editors really defunct? A sea change of such magnitude is altering the traditional commissioning model, potentially opening up new opportunities for universities to gain greater control over their content.
Cambridge might have great stories to share but can we craft them into watchable films and are the distribution models of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and iTunes all they're cracked up to be?
With Lucy Capewell Commissioning Editor New Media Office of External Affairs and Communications University of Cambridge.
This lecture will take place on 7th September 2010 at 20.00 Hrs In RTÉ - AR 4. Please confirm attendance to 087 953 3931.
"Never mistake knowledge for wisdom, one helps you make a living the other helps you make a life"
Mark Twain
Lucy Capewell