Fixing the skills shortage: Recruiting for the future of the industry

Fixing the skills shortage: Recruiting for the future of the industry

Tuesday, 21 February, 2023
1pm - 2pm


United Kingdom
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RTS National Event

Skills shortages are pressing across the economy, but are particularly acute in the creative industries. 

In recent years these industries have delivered more economic value than the life sciences, aerospace and automotive sectors combined. But skills are currently the biggest single inhibitor to growth (Seetha Kumar, ScreenSkills)

Our industry has the tricky challenge of developing a coherent and compelling narrative for both government and potential entrants as to the many possible careers. The situation is multi-faceted, with hundreds of data points: this session will address: What is happening in education? Where are the mid-tier scarcities? How should the industry address some of the most vulnerable areas?

Chaired by the Founder of Talented People, Kimberly Godbolt


  • Seetha Kumar - Chief Executive, Screen Skills
  • Kevin Blacoe - Head of Partnerships, 4 Skills at Channel 4
  • Alison Small - Grow Creative, Netflix
  • Sonny Hanley - Director, ITV Academy


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Skills shortages are pressing across the economy, but are particularly acute in the creative industries.