For answers to some commonly asked questions about RTS membership click on the headings below.
When will my RTS membership become active?
Your application will be processed within seven days. If you would like to book onto an event or access a specific benefit sooner please contact our membership team on 020 7822 2831.
How can I book onto an RTS event?
RTS Members attend most of our events for free. On the event booking page tick the box for RTS Members and enter your membership number into the field provided.
Non-members can still book onto and attend most of our events, however there is normally a fee for this. To see all upcoming events click here:
How can I claim my RTS Membership discounts?
Your RTS Membership includes special discounts on Broadcast and C21Media subscriptions, AA and English Heritage memberships as well as clothing and insurance discounts.
To claim these, click on this link and use the password sent to you by email to activate your benefits. If you no longer have your password please call the membership team on 020 7822 2831 and quote your membership number.
How can I contribute to determining RTS policies?
As a member you play a key role in the decision-making of the Society. The RTS is a member-led educational charity, whose activities are overseen by a Board of Trustees and a Centres Council. Each of the 13 centres has its own committee, which organises local events. The Society’s AGM is open to all members, who are encouraged to vote on motions by proxy if they cannot attend in person. The RTS also benefits from the expertise of its specialist groups and awards committees. Find out about your local committee here: