Previous Events

RTS and BBC invite you to an exclusive Q&A with the cast and creators...
Wed, 14/12/2022
Tis the season... for the RTS Big Christmas Telly Quiz. It's back... It's...
Mon, 12/12/2022
Join us for a speech from Tim Davie on the BBC and the importance of...
Trafalgar Square
Wed, 07/12/2022
RTS is pleased to present an exclusive Q&A, in conversation with...
Wed, 07/12/2022
This panel event looks at the impact of natural history programmes on the...
Tue, 06/12/2022
The RTS Craft & Design Awards 2022, sponsored by Apple TV+.
Mon, 05/12/2022
Join us at The ICC for our first live celebration of ...
Fri, 25/11/2022
In this BBC Debate, we ask our expert panel to consider the challenges...
4-18 Handyside Street
Thu, 24/11/2022
Toiseach Tòiseachaidh | Telebhisean (Starting Point | Television)
Tha abairt cumanta againn anns a’ Ghàidhlig: ’S fheàrr droch thòiseachadh...
Thu, 24/11/2022
RTS Cymru Wales is proud to offer an opportunity to watch an exclusive...
Thu, 24/11/2022