From Runner to Superstar

From Runner to Superstar

Wednesday, 27 February, 2013


Hallam Conference Centre
44 Hallam St
United Kingdom
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RTS Futures


Want to find out what it takes to get noticed in the increasingly crowded TV market?  Join our panel of experts as they discuss the do’s and don’ts of getting ahead in TV.

So you’ve got your foot on the first rung of the TV ladder and you feel like you’ve got a steep climb ahead of you.  What does it take to make that next step? Flashy CVs? Over familiar emails? Larger than life personalities or outrageous outfits? And how do you avoid making mistakes that might knock you back a rung or two?

Find out how some of TV’s top names took their first steps.  How did they get their foot in the door?  What was the pivotal point in their career, from which they’ve never looked back?  Hear their first hand tips on how to get noticed including some of the mistakes they made along the way.  You can ask the panel any question you like, and we’ll even give you the opportunity to submit questions anonymously in advance!


TV and radio presenter Matt Edmondson (Radio 1 and T4) will be quizzing experts including Suzy Lamb (Head of Entertainment, Thames), Ash Atalla (Producer of The Office), Jonathan Stadlen (founder of Knickerbockerglory TV and the man who brought us Pineapple Dance Studios), and Elsa Sharp (Talent Manager at Dragonfly Film and TV and author of How To Get A Job in Television).



Presenter Matt Edmondson (Radio 1 and T4)

Suzy Lamb (Head of Entertainment, Thames)
Ash Atalla (Producer of The Office)
Jonathan Stadlen (founder of Knickerbockerglory TV and the man who brought us Pineapple Dance Studios)
Elsa Sharp (Talent Manager at Dragonfly Film and TV and author of How To Get A Job in Television).

Booking Instructions


This event is open to all RTS Futures members but is designed for those with no more than two years’ television experience.  The cost is £10.00.  To book a place you (and any guest/s you book a place for) MUST be a member of RTS Futures.  If you are an existing member please phone Callum Stott on 020 7822 2822 with your Credit/Debit Card ready or email providing your name, postal address, email address and phone number (we will then contact you to request credit card details), otherwise please register as a member at before attempting to book.  Please note that tickets can only be purchased in advance and will NOT be available on the door.  All bookings are non-refundable.

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Location Details

44 Hallam St
United Kingdom

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