RTS Cymru Christmas Quiz / Cwis Nadolig

RTS Cymru Christmas Quiz / Cwis Nadolig

Wednesday, 14 December, 2022


Tramshed Tech
Pendyris Street
CF11 6BH
United Kingdom
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Centre Event

Our legendary Christmas quiz will be held this year at Tramshed Tech on 14 December at 6.30pm. 

This is your chance to impress your colleagues and friends with your detailed and impressive knowledge of the TV industry. 

Tickets are free for RTS members but cost £5 for non-members. 

Note: You will need to book tickets in advance
So get together with up to five colleagues and friends to form a team (due to the venue layout teams will be limited to five people each).


Cynhelir ein cwis Nadolig chwedlonol eleni yn y Tramshed Tech ar 14 Rhagfyr am 6.30pm. 

Dyma'ch cyfle chi i greu argraff ar eich cydweithwyr a'ch ffrindiau gyda'ch gwybodaeth fanwl a thrawiadol o'r diwydiant teledu.

Mae tocynnau am ddim i aelodau RTS ond yn costio £5 i'r rhai nad ydynt yn aelodau. 

Sylwer: Rhaid i chi archebu tocynnau o flaen llaw
Felly dewch at eich gilydd gyda hyd at bump o gydweithwyr a ffrindiau i ffurfio tîm (oherwydd cynllun y lleoliad bydd timau yn gyfyngedig i bump o bobl yr un). 


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Location Details

Pendyris Street
CF11 6BH
United Kingdom

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