Prix Europa and INPUT

Prix Europa and INPUT

Wednesday, 10 November, 2010


ITV Studios, Upper Ground
United Kingdom
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Prix Europa and INPUT are the two major International competitions for Television Programmes. In our customary look at TV from around the world - Nick Radlo will introduce and show clips from three contrasting Programmes. This gives a great insight into production techniques and story telling from different cultures.

Prix Europa and INPUT are the two major International competitions for Television Programmes. In our customary look at TV from around the world - Nick Radlo will introduce and show clips from three contrasting Programmes. This gives a great insight into production techniques and story telling from different cultures.

Any student of Television should come and see these clips - and join in a brief discussion about them.

Any Producer /director of television Programmes should come and see the works of others and afterwards talk to Nick Radlo about entering their programmes in INPUT and Prix Europa

And any one who just wants an evening looking at the best in Television should come along and soak up the excellence.

Prix Europa held in Berlin from 16 to 23 October has grown into the continent's largest competition for television, radio and the emerging media, but has no commercial interest. The pan-European event is attended by well over 1,000 delegates from more than 40 countries. Find out More

INPUT is dedicated to the proposition that television should be public service in the public interest. That access to the most honest, innovative, provocative, outrageous and challenging broadcasting is a universal fundamental human right.

INPUT has organized international television's most important and influential annual screening conference for more than 35 years. This unique event — held in a different country each year — encourages the development of public service television by screening and debating the most outstanding programmes from around the world Find out More

Nick Radlo is a media Journalist and the UK Shop Steward (Coordinator) for INPUT
Email him to enquire about entering your programme

Note that this event is on 10 November



Nick Radlo Media Journalist

Booking Instructions

FREE to RTS members and non-members

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Location Details

United Kingdom

Prix Europa and INPUT are the two major International competitions for Television Programmes. In our customary look at TV from around the world - Nick Radlo will introduce and show clips from three contrasting Programmes. This gives a great insight into production techniques and story telling from different cultures.