Taking a break from the endless round of funding applications and business plans that are the lot of the manager of every small cultural organisation, James will share some of the joyous and not so joyous moments of the life of the film archivist and reveal some gems from the collection.
Event Summary
Taking a break from the endless round of funding applications and business plans that are the lot of the manager of every small cultural organisation, James will share some of the joyous and not so joyous moments of the life of the film archivist and reveal some gems from the collection.
When MACE decided to appoint a full time director to establish the organisation James applied and was successful arriving in the Midlands in February 2000. The establishment of MACE is still ongoing though much good work has been done.
James Patterson, Director, Media Archive for Central England.
Having taken a degree in Humanities in the early 70s, James embarked on a career in university libraries which lasted 3 years during which time he qualified as a professional librarian. His first qualified job was as a film cataloguer at the National Film Archive where he started in 1979. Further jobs in the archive followed - Asst. Documentary Films Officer, Keeper of Documentary Films and latterly additionally the co-ordination of an £18m Heritage Lottery project.
During that time James was in part responsible for the policy which led to the establishment of the Yorkshire Film Archive, the South West Film and Television Archive, and the Northern Region Film and Television Archive.
James Patterson, Director, Media Archive for Central England